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Cadbury, 736[^]1934 Crunchie 40g

D.O.B: 1929 Height: 13.5 cm Weight: 40g Body type: Strong, confident and golden. Siblings: Im pretty
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Cadbury, 736[^]1934 Crunchie 40g
D.O.B: 1929 Height: 13.5 cm Weight: 40g Body type: Strong, confident and golden. Siblings: Im pretty unique. About me: Im a Cadbury classic with a penchant for Fridays ... but hey dont let that stop you, I can be enjoyed every day of week. Looking forward to tickling your tongue with my golden honeycomb centre. Nutrients I can offer you: 780kJ energy Carbohydrate 28.0g 185kcal Fat 7.6g Protein 1.4g Fibre 0.5g

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